English Language and Literature Department has been organizing the Youth Creative English Essay Contest, which is in coordination with Hëna e Plotë (Bedër) University and British Council Albania since 2014. For each contest there have been participating approximately 400 pupils from private and public high schools in Albania. In their essays high school students have addressed global challenges and proposed potential solutions based on their own perspectives.
The Youth Creative English Essay Contest winners participate in the award ceremony, which are held at Hëna e Plotë (Bedër) University, Tirana, have the opportunity to visit British Council and Hëna e Plotë (Bedër) University, to participate in discussions and to share their ideas and listen to their peers from all around Albania.
The aim of this contest is to provide a chance for young writers from around the country to engage each other in discussion and to advance cross-cultural understanding.
Qëllimi i këtij konkursi është të inkurajojë të gjithë nxënësit në Shqipëri;
- të help young minds define problems related to stable peace and social harmony, discuss them, and offer possible solutions from their own perspectives
- të contribute a positive impact on society by building social skills
- të improve research and writing skills that are so essential for college years
- të create a lifetime opportunity for high school students to exchange ideas with their peers.
Eseja duhet:
- be written in English;
- be original, unpublished, and written entirely by student;
- contain student’s original opinions and recommendations based on research;
- be at least 1,500 words in length but no more than 2,000 (Citations and bibliography are not included in the word count);
- be typed, double-spaced with margins: left: 1.5", right: 1", top: 1", bottom: 1", page-numbered;
- include a bibliography;
- comply with standards regarding citations and bibliography
Kriteret e Vlerësimit
The decision of the judges is final as relating to all contest matters.
- Address the topic; Essay addresses the topic competently.
- Focus; Essay is focused and purposeful.
- Statement of the main idea; Main idea is stated clearly.
- Discussion and support; Essay discusses the topic and supports the main idea.
- Considerable research; Essay is based on a considerable research.
- Eloquence; Essay displays an eloquent style in terms of sentence structure and word choice.
- Conventions; Use of language is proper in terms of grammar, punctuation, and spelling.
- Organization; Essay is well organized in terms of transition and paragraph order.
- Length; Between 1,500 and 2,000 words
- Referencing; References are proper and adequate, and indicated in a bibliography.
- Originality; Overall, the essay is original.
Vendi i 1-rë | Tablet 10.1 inch |
Vendi i 2-të | Tablet 8 inch |
Vendi i 3-të | Tablet 6 inch |
Vendet nga i 1-rë nga 20-shja | do të përfitojë bursë nga Universiteti Bedër |
Të gjithë Pjesëmarrësit | do të marrin CERITIFIKATË PJESËMARRJEJE |
24 DHJETOR 2015 | Thirrje për Ese |
24 DHJETOR - 05 MAJ 2016 | Kohë Përgatitore |
05 MAJ 2016 | Afati i fundit i dorëzimit të Eseve |
10-16 MAJ 2016 | Shpallje e rezultateve - Fituesit |
26 MAJ 2016 | Ceremonia e Ndarjes së Çmimeve |