Irena Shehu, PhD

Irena Shehu, PhD

[email protected]

Employement Type : Full-time
Office : 0. Floor / 4
Office Tel No. : 0
Gender : Female


European University of Tirana PhD - Doctorate
Year Completed : 2016
Faculty : Faculty of Social Sciences
Department : Department of Pedagogy and Psychology
Program : Pedagogy and Psychology
Country : Albania
University of Tirana MA - Master
Year Completed : 2010
Faculty : Faculty of Foreign Languages
Department : English Language
Program : Intercultural Language and Communication
Country : Albania
University of Shkoder BA - Bachelor
Year Completed : 2005
Faculty : Facculty of Foreign Languages
Department : English Department
Program : English and American Studies
Country : Albania


Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (CELTA) 2018
Type : Cambridge English Level 5 Certificate in Teaching English
Topic : Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (CELTA)
Year : 2018
Instution : Staffordhouse London
Country : United Kingdom
Type :
Topic :
Year : 0
Instution :
Country :


English C2
Language : English
Is Native Language? : No
Level : C2
Role Type : Academic
Position : Lecturer
Unit : Department of Education and English Language
Period : Jul 2022 - Aug 2024
Status : Completed
Role Type : Administrative
Position : Head of Department
Unit : Department of Education and English Language
Period : Jul 2022 - Jul 2024
Status : Completed
Role Type : Academic
Position : Lecturer
Unit : Department of Economy and Business
Period : Nov 2020 - Aug 2022
Status : Completed
1. “Causes of Reading Comprehension deficiency in the foreign language, case study Albania”/Book of Proceedings 4th International Conference on Educational Sciences ICES 2015,Hëna e Plotë Bedër University, Tiranë, Albania,ISBN 978-9928194-18-3 2. “Techniques used for Reading Comprehension instruction, case study Albania.”International Conference on Social Sciences 11-12 September 2015.Süleyman Şah University, Istanbul TurkeyTurkey6th_ICSS_2015_Proceedings_Book_Vol_3_ISBN_9788890916335.pdf 3.”The impact of Extensive Reading on Reading Comprehension in the Foreign Language” /ICTEA 2015, The 4th International Multidisciplinary Conference on Integrating Science in New Global Challenges, Proceeding Books, 27-29 March, Dubrovnik, Croatia, Volume 1. ISBN :978-9928-4221-5-6 4. “Reading Comprehension activities influence on Second Language learning.” 1International Online Conference New Dimensions of Philology, Languages, Literature, Linguistics, Culture; April 13-19 , Poland 5. “READING COMPREHENSION PROBLEMS ENCOUNTERED BY FOREIGN LANGUAGE STUDENTS, CASE STUDY: ALBANIA” /4 th International Conference on Social Sciences, Bucharest, 27 February 2015, ISBN 9788890916342 Articles in Journals 1. “Implementing Reading Comprehension activities to promote Foreign Language Vocabulary Acquisition, case study Albania.”/ European Academic Journal, July 2015, 2.”The Relationship between First and Second Language Reading Comprehension abilities.” Published in : International Journal on ICT Education, Knowledge society and Open Governance, Tirana, Albania, Vol 4.No,1, June 2015. ISSN 2304-5442 3.”Factors influencing students’ Reading Comprehension achievement in the foreign language.” Published in: “ANGLISTICUM”, March-April, 2015, vol.4, issue 3-4, ISSN 1857-1878
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