ANNOUNCEMENTS Bedër participates in the "Bologna Hub Peer Support" project Preparation for Job Interview Erasmus +, Bedër partner with Lavoslav Ružička College (Croatia) Bedër today finalized the MoU with the Geneva-based Foundation “” The "Bedër" team starts the preparations for the International Jessup Competition University Open Days Bedër, full access to JSTOR FUTURE EVENTS 30NOV Training - "Media and Information Education with Future Teachers" 17NOV Book Fair - Promotion of the book “Enciklopedia Imagjinare” 14NOV Training - "Media and Information Education with Future Teachers" 09NOV Open discussion with Mr. Philip McCann 02NOV “Alumni Meeting – Career Path and Success”. 03OCT Orientation days 24MAY "Bedër Alumni Reunion" STUDENT NEWS B1 Level of foreign language, criterion for admission to Master degree programs Academic Calendar 2015-2016 Minister Milena Harito, invited in a conversation with students of Hena e Plote Beder University The opening ceremony of the ''Mentorship'' program Hena e Plote Beder University already authorized by ETS test center Innovation Award in Public Administration, call for application Outstanding Master’s Thesis Award Home / News / Activities FUTURE EVENTS 10APR MEVLANA EXCHANGE PROGRAMME Students and Academic Staff are informed that the application period for the Mevlana Exchange Programme has started. To apply to the programme you have to: 1. Fill out the Candidate Student Application Form (for students) including your transcript and a document showing your language level if the instruction language of the host institution is a foreign language. The Academic Staff has to complete the Academic Staff Information Application Form. 2. Submit the form to the Mevlana coordinator of your department before 10.04.2015. The application documents and the list of host institutions can be found on IRO website on the Mevlana Exchange menu. For any inquiries contact Mevlana Exchange Office at [email protected] 31MAR "English4Employability" Competition An Opportunity to spend two weeks in London! Dear Friends, British Council is organizing a competition asking you to give a reply to a very simple question:“Why do you need English for your employment?” The details are as in the following. If you are an undergraduate, post-graduate or a young professional living in Albania, why not take part in our “English4Employability” competition? The winner will spend two weeks in the UK, learning English and meeting young people from around the world. All you need to do is answer this simple question: “Why do you need English for your employment?” The British Council’s English4Employability competition is part of our “SEE Into the Future” programme which helps improve opportunities for young people in many countries, including Albania, to develop and improve their skills so they can have better employment prospects. The “English4Employability” competition is organised by the British Council and language schools in the UK. Do not miss this opportunity and visit the page below to apply for the competition! 31MAR Beder is now ETS-authorized TOEFL IBT® Test CENTRE! Dear Friends, Shkolla e Lartë "Hëna e Plotë" BEDËR as an ETS-authorized Test Center is now offering the TOEFL iBT® test. The TOEFL iBT® test, administered via the Internet, is an important part of your journey to study in an English-speaking country. About theTOEFL iBT® Test: The TOEFL iBT® test measures your ability to use and understand English at the university level. And it evaluates how well you combine your listening, reading, speaking and writing skills to perform academic tasks. More than 30 million people from all over the world have taken the TOEFL test to demonstrate their English-language proficiency. The average English skill level ranges between Intermediate and Advanced. Ideal for: Students planning to study at a higher education institution English-language learning program admissions and exit Scholarship and certification candidates English-language learners who want to track their progress Students and workers applying for visas 28JAN ACADEMIC SEMINARS The Art of Strategic Learning Mr. Arjan Berdellima, a MSc graduate from the OXFORD UNIVERSITY will honor us sharing his own experience and holding an academic seminar aiming at discussing the importance of acting and studying strategically. The essence of the presentation is to provide students with some hints on how to become more effective learners and reach ones goals while keeping reasonable expectations. Apart from discussing the classic elements of successful learning, such as organizational skills, time management, setting up priorities and dedication to work, the presentation will elaborate on methods and techniques of using the above-mentioned skills effectively and strategically. More importantly, he will draw conclusions based on real life examples, successful people and life experience in general. Venue: The Conference Hall Date: 28.01.2015 Time: 09.50 am PS: You may see this presentation in the following link: