Important Points for INTERNSHIP


Brief Information: Each student has to attend 110 hours in 12 weeks [which means that totally 10 hours a week at least]. In the first 6 weeks, the candidates attend the classes of their mentor teachers, whereas the last 5 weeks are to be their practice period in which they are obliged to give open lessons.

The Portfolio: Teacher candidates have to prepare a portfolio that must contain the following documents;

a.      Personal Notes taken during the lessons of mentor teacher [totally 11 forms indicating how the lesson has been covered]

b.      Daily Plans [totally 5 lessons plans which have been implemented by the teacher candidates]

c.      Test [totally 2 with the keys including their results]

d.      Lesson Materials – totally 1 used in the lesson]

e.      Application and explanation of 2 Course Materials

f.       The report reflecting the whole experience [approximately 4 pages]

The Marking System: The marking system will be as % 50 Lecturer’s Evaluation, % 30 Mentor Teacher’s Evaluation  and % 20 The Report.


Good luck and success!