The 8th International Conference on Education and Social Sciences - ICESS 2022

The Department of Education and English Language at Bedër University College organized the 8th International Conference on Education and Social Sciences - ICESS 2022, on the topic: "New Perspectives in Education and Social Sciences."

The conference was organized in cooperation with partners: Alexander Xhuvani University (Elbasan), Educators without Borders International, and ELTA - English Language Teachers Association.

The conference was attended by over 60 referees from 14 different countries of the world. ICESS 2022 offered an opportunity to academics and professionals in the fields of education and social science.

Punimet e konferencës u përshëndetën nga Përgjegjësja e Departamentit të Edukimit dhe Gjuhës Angleze, njëkohësisht dhe Kryetare e Konferencës, Dr. Ana Uka, e cila theksoi rëndësinë e kësaj conference, sidomos në periudhën në të cilën po kalon bota pas pandemisë së Covid19. Rektori i komanduar i Kolegjit Universitar “Bedër”, Prof. Asoc. Dr. Rahim Ombashi, shprehu rëndësinë që kanë të tilla organizime dhe tha se rekomandimet që dalin nga kjo konferencë do të jenë të vlefshme për studiuesit e këtyre fushave.

Dr. Skënder Bruçaj, the Chairman of the Board of Administration of KU Bedër, was greeted by the conference works; Prof. Dr. Mohammed A. Albaili, President of Educators without Borders International; Prof. Associate Dr. Elisabeta Osmanaj, Dean of the Faculty of Educational Sciences at Alexander Xhuvani University, Prof. Dr. Shpresa Delija, former President of ELTA - English Language Teachers Association and professors at the University of Tirana.

Invited in the quality of the keynote speaker, Prof. Dr. Mohammed A. Albaili, held a reference on the topic: Re-concepting teaching and learning after Covid19. Also in the quality of the keynote speaker was Prof. Dr. Baharul Islam from the Indian Institute of Management Kashipur, India. The latter referred to the topic: "Autonomy" and "motivation" among scientific seekers during the Covid-19 pandemic: A phenomenological study."

Then, the conference continued with 2 more sessions, with 3 sessions each. The sessions were held in a hybrid format, with referees present at Bedër University College and online.